Craft Fair information
November 1, 2025
Instructions for Vendors:
If you have been on our email list in the past, a registration link will be sent to you automatically. If you want to be added to our email list, email
Advertising for the Craft Fair
Extensive Advertising about the Craft Fair is done via:
- Flyers posted in local businesses
- Numerous roadway signs posted along Hull Street Road and other key locations in the surrounding area (31 signs), as well as banners at each entrance to the school’s access road
- Flyers posted in all Chesterfield County Public Schools
- Announcements included in weekly school communications to families
- PA announcements at home football games at Clover Hill HS
- Shared on PTO and Athletic Association social media
- Email to vendors to pass on to their customers via email and Facebook
Space Description
Spaces are approximately 10’ x 10’ and located in the school’s gym and cafeteria/commons.
Table Rentals
If you like, you can rent an 8-foot table for $20 each. Just indicate how many tables you want on your website registration form, and the fee per table will be added to your total. Your table(s) will be in your assigned space when you arrive to set up on the day of the fair. If you have to cancel and do so before the October 7th cancellation deadline, your table rental fee with be refunded along with your booth fee. If you cancel after October 7th, we do not guarantee you will be refunded for the tables.
Electricity at Your Booth
Some spaces have access to an electrical outlet which is helpful if you sell lamps, for example. These spaces are not guaranteed to be available since they are assigned first-come-first-served. Please indicate on your application if you need electricity; every effort will be made to accommodate you. You will need to bring your extension cords. Craft Fair staff will tape down your cord with duct tape anywhere that it might pose a tripping hazard.
Space-Assignment Confirmation Notices
Approximately two weeks before the event, all vendors who submit an application and payment will receive a confirmation notice via email. For those assigned a space, their confirmation notice will tell them the number of their space and whether it is in the school gym or the cafeteria (also called the commons). It will also include instructions regarding what doors you will be assigned for unloading and loading. Those who did not get a space will be placed on a waitlist hoping to get a space when someone cancels.
A raffle brings excitement and fun to a craft fair, hopefully increasing spending! It is also a great way for vendors to attract customer attention to their goods. A Craft Fair Volunteer will come to your booth to collect your donation if you choose to offer an item (approximately $15 value). You should also attach a small card to your raffle item with your name or the name of your business, space number, and a brief description of the raffle item. This will make it easy for customers viewing the raffle items to locate you.
Raffle tickets ($2/each) will be sold at the raffle table and in the school’s entrance hall by student volunteers walking through the crowds. The table displaying raffle items will be in the cafeteria/commons, where everyone will see it. Winners must be present to win and can pick whichever item delights them most from the raffle table. Winners will be announced over the intercom every 10-15 minutes throughout the day until all items have been won.
All vendors who want a space at the Craft Fair must complete an online application form at and make payment online. Contact the Craft Fair Coordinator for assistance if you cannot pay online. You will be asked for your contact information, what items you plan to sell, whether you need electricity or a rental table(s), and if you would like to donate an item to the raffle. The cost per both is $90, and optional table rentals are $20 per table. The $90 booth price is guaranteed until February 1, 2025. Prices are subject to an increase next year. The application & payment deadline is October 1, 2025.
Wait List
After the October 1st registration deadline, would-be vendors can ask to be put on the waitlist to get a space if a vendor cancels. To get on the waitlist, fill out this Google Form or email your name, phone number, and a description of what you’d like to sell to the Craft Fair Coordinator at When a vendor with an assigned space subsequently cancels, the first vendor on the waitlist will be given the space (first-come-first-served). Payment will be due at that time.
Full refunds will be issued if you cancel before October 7th. If you cancel after that time, refunds are not guaranteed. If your application and payment are received after all spaces have been assigned, you will be placed on the waitlist. A refund will be issued promptly if you do not receive a space.
Free Coffee During Set Up!
Coffee and other hot beverages will be available to you free as a Thank You for joining us.
Concession Stand
Is open from the beginning to the end of the Craft Fair (9am-3pm) and offers hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, chips, drinks, candy, and more.
Set Up Saturday Morning Before Fair Starts
- The doors open for set up at 7:00am on Saturday (no earlier). Sometimes vendors ask if they can set up Friday night, which is impossible since the school is open Friday for activities besides the Craft Fair. Vendor belongings would not be secure.
- Be sure to bring a chair.
- Bring tables unless you prepaid for a rental table(s).
- Bring an extension cord if you request to use electricity.
- Approach the school via Kelly Green Trail. Instructions on what door you will unload at will be emailed once your booth has been assigned.
- Craft Fair staff/students will help you carry your goods into the school.
- As you enter the school, check in at the Vendor Check-In Table inside the doors.
- For school safety purposes, only doors #9 and #11 will be used for the event. Any vendor using any other door for any reason will be removed from the event without a refund and banned from future events.
- If your assigned space begins with the letter “G,” your space is in the Gym. If it starts with a “C,” it is in the Cafeteria (called the Commons).
- Once unloading is complete, move your vehicle from the loading area to other parking nearby. Vendor vehicles left in loading areas are at risk of being towed.
- If you paid for a rental table(s), they will be in your assigned space when you arrive.
- If you donate an item for the raffle, one of our volunteers will come by your booth to pick it up. Be sure to attach a small card to your raffle item stating your name and/or business name, space number, and a brief description. The card will help shoppers interested in your raffle item find their way to your space.
- Free hot beverages will be offered to you at the concession stand. We’re so glad to have you!
IMPORTANT – Tear Down after 3pm:
- No disassembly of space or exit loading will be permitted before 3pm.
- You can move your vehicle close to the school entrances for loading any goods you still have left.
- Craft Fair staff/students will help you carry your goods to your vehicle.
Spacing of Vendors Selling Similar Goods: Every effort is made to try to separate vendors of similar items. For example, two jewelry vendors would not be placed side by side, but this is not guaranteed.
No Duplication of Vendors from the Same Company: Only one vendor per company is allowed for companies like Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Longaberger Baskets, Scentsy Wickless Candles, Thirty-One Gifts, Silpada Jewelry, Paparazzi Accessories, Watkins Products, Gourmet Cupboard, Beijo Handbags, Clique Jewelry, Liberty Lady Designs, Tastefully Simple, Avon, BeautiControl, etc. Not allowing duplicates prevents direct competition within the same company, and Craft Fair customers enjoy more shopping variety.
No animals (except service animals) are allowed in the school building. No weapons, knives, or guns are allowed on school property.
Clover Hill High School and the Clover Hill Athletic Association are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
If you still have questions about the Craft Fair, please send an email to us at